Got Breakfast? Are You Still….

Sorry, I haven’t posted in a while, I think I had a bit of writer’s block and I haven’t been inspired lately but, I attended religious services yesterday morning and Ta Da! I thought of this……

If we have yet to find true fulfillment in our lives we wake every morning empty. This emptiness creates an appetite that needs to be satisfied, so we go about our day trying to find ways to rid ourselves of this hunger. We cook great meals, we exercise, we excel at work or in school and we aim to be the perfect spouse, parent or child. It’s pretty exhausting and we still end up feeling well….. empty.

We have just cycled through twenty-four hours of mundane activities searching for validation by way of accomplishments. Let’s be honest, we don’t do these things for own satisfaction, we do them for acceptance by our friends, family and society.

How often do we post pictures and quotes via social networks to manufacture appearances of “perfect” lives?

How often do we go to bed at night pondering on what we could have done better during day? How often do we wake up the next morning aiming to fix what went wrong yesterday, on top of MORE accomplishments for today?

If we do this long enough, days turn into weeks

weeks turn into months

months turn into years

years turn into an empty LIFETIME.

True satisfaction comes from within.. It comes from knowing the truth about you..

You have been fearfully and wonderfully made, not to chase the dream but to live the dream that’s inside of you..

Najla Speaks

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Believe In Your Greatness

I always challenge myself to be greater.. Be a better mother, friend, daughter, student.. Be a better christian.

A better christian.

It’s hard enough to be a good person in a society where doing wrong seems to be celebrated, let alone a christian. I can totally relate to Paul’s letters in the bible where he states that he wants to do right but always does the opposite. Life’s hard.

It’s not in anyone’s DNA to become successful at anything overnight, that includes living a Christ like life. Philosophers have debated for years over if we are innately born bad or good and honestly no one knows the answer. I believe if we trust our heart and have faith in the things that God has placed there, we become inspired and filled with courage to do more than we ever imagined.

Believe in yourself…. Trust your heart….Challenge yourself…. Have faith.. Be Great

Najla Speaks

@i_am_najla on Twitter

Email me at


Beyond Imagination & Dreams

Beyond Imagination & Dreams

Much like our lives, no one really knows where an ocean begins or ends… but that doesn’t stop it from existing.

We don’t plan our beginning, nor do we know our ending but, that doesn’t mean we cease to exist either.

To truly exist is to experience ALL that life has for you but, If you never step foot off the shore, how will you know?

Reach Beyond Imagination & Dreams……. LIVE

Petition aids in pulling the rug from under “All my babies’ mama’s”…

Over 37,000 signatures were received via Color of Change to halt the airing of Oxygen Networks new reality show, “All my babies mama’s”.

 Thank Heavens; just the title alone is insulting. In an age where the majority of cultural depiction relies on media, being black AND being labeled a “baby mama” is all too familiar. How many television shows have to be written and produced to get this point across? Why do we seem to glorify this image? If we keep allowing negative portrayals of minorities into our living rooms and newsstands, the way society depicts these classes will never change.

Although I am “a baby mama” myself, I’ve never been proud of that societal title. I would never exploit this fact to my children, let alone others and encourage the same behavior. While there is nothing wrong with single parenthood, it seems to be an expectation in the black community and is sometimes even celebrated. The benefit of children having a healthy, two parent household far outweighs the struggle of raising them alone.

When major TV networks produce shows such as All my babies mama’s they have to factor in their audience and the message being spread. In no way would this show have been positive for a young or even adult audience. Spotlighting a rapper with eleven children by ten different mothers, to none of which he is married, does nothing for the black community except exploit it even further and solidify negative depictions other races have of it.Image

Oxygen network released this statement saying it will “continue to develop compelling content that resonates with our young female viewers and drives the cultural conversation.”

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