
Single mothers

Excelling through

eXtreme circumstance…

I do not praise the single mother. In fact, I do not think highly of her at all. How dare a woman believe that she can raise a child on her own, and a man-child at that! How dare she take on the task of superhero and urge her child to rise above the stigma associated with fatherless homes. How dare she love, care, and nurture her child despite the circumstance. Her children are destined to become drug addicted, mentally unstable, drug dealing, high school dropouts without a promising future.  Her children are destined to be less than and placed in the social class of “unwanted” in today’s society.

Single mothers grab some popcorn and pay attention.

You are frowned upon. Perfected images of tree-lined streets, paved driveways, and two-story houses with detached garages can never be true for you. You have failed yourself, your children, and your society. You have added to the national deficit and the rise of taxes with your irresponsible ways. Your dependence on federal aid for housing, food, and education contributes to the demise of this nation.

According to most Americans you are “bad for society” never mind that the current President of the United States, as a child, did not know his father. Celebrities such as Bill Cosby,  Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie came from fatherless homes as well. What do they ALL have in common? They have reached a level of what society “deems” as success and they were once children who could have worn the label “hopeless burden”. These children had resilient mothers as well as a great support system that showed them otherwise.

Imagine that you have a flower garden and you decided to place a huge boulder on a row of seeds you just planted. Will those flowers still grow into what they were purposed? If you instead, watered those same seeds and cared for the grounds that you placed them in, you have just dramatically increased the survival of those flowers. They may now blossom into what they were intended.

Single motherhood does not equate to a problematic society. While it most often is not desired, children reared by their mothers alone can and do excel. The infrastructure of “family” has changed so drastically within the past several years and it is not fair to generalize that children from fatherless homes are burdens to society. The future of a child from a home without a father can be just a bright as one who came from a home with a father.

I tip my hat to the mothers who work, push their children to do more, and love them unconditionally in spite of  circumstance. You might be rearing the next great artist, writer, engineer, neurosurgeon, inventor, or even …… *gasps* the President.

We single mothers believe that nothing is impossible America. We wish that you would too.

God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.

~ Rudyard Kipling

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